Website Optimization Resources
Zero–cost Website Optimization Resources built in your Hosting Control Panel

Utilizing our Website Optimization Resources, you’re able to build up your site’s reputation right from your own Hosting Control Panel. With the Sitemap Generator you will get complete sitemap for your site within a few minutes. You are able to send the sitemap to search engines to ensure that they could crawl your website as fast as possible. Also, from the RSS News instrument, you could add regularly refreshed content on your site, which is actually a guarantee for higher listing positions with the search engines. The GeoIP re–direction application will help you direct visitors from a particular region towards a certain language version of your website for more precise targeting end results.
A Sitemap Generator
A sitemap generator bundled right into your Hosting Control Panel
In case you have just recently released your site and need it to be scanned faster from the the search engines, or if you need to provide your clients a rapid way to browse through all your pages, you’ll need to use a sitemap. Sitemap is known as a a listing of all the pages on your site that have been hyperlinked to. Usually, you need to go with 3rd party applications to complete the job, but with WWW Solutions, you have access to a Sitemap Generator integrated straight to the Hosting Control Panel.
The Sitemap Generator you will find is very simple to operate and since it is 100% suitable for WWW Solutions’s cloud Linux cloud hosting packages platform – your web site will be scanned very quickly.
GeoIP Redirection
Location–driven redirections with a mouse click
WWW Solutions offers you an easy way to route your site visitors based on their location. With the GeoIP re–direction tool, you can redirect all the customers who arrive from a particular area to a native language variant of your site. For example, if you’ve got an Italian translation of your web site, you can quickly direct all of the site visitors coming from Italy to that web page in contrast to asking to move to Italian when they land on the English variation. This enables you to supply your site visitors with a natural on–line experience from the beginning.
There is no need for any special capabilities or computer know–how to utilize the GeoIP redirection tool. It’s all configured with a mouse click.
RSS News
Present the most recent news within your web site
In the WWW Solutions Hosting Control Panel, we have bundled a tool, which enables you to embed publications from the most well–liked news outlets on the planet within your websites, with just a mouse click. Our News Publication application functions on auto–pilot and won’t demand any extra configuration work from you,
The RSS News module is easy to customize in terms of HTML and CSS. You’re able to customize the amount of information pieces that are going to be shown, exactly how they will look like, how they will be arranged, and so on.